Category: Site

Site Update & Future


For the few people actually read this site there have been some major changes to the site to modernise it and reboot how I’m using it. Since starting the blog things have been pretty dormant with minimal updates every few years, this is something I’m hoping to change.

The layout of the site has been completely redesigned from scratch with a focus on using modern HTML/CSS techniques, supporting mobile browsers and making it fast. The design is still a work in progress and will continue to be tweaked to fix usability or rending issues that I’m not happy with. The general layout of the site is fairly much complete and shouldn’t change much though.

Welcome to the blog


Welcome to my new blog! I’ve decided to try and join the 21st century and enter the blagosphere. I’ve had a shared hosting web account sitting round pretty much idle for a couple of years and sorting out a website for a paddling friend has spurred me into action.

So what can we expect from this blog? Well to be quite honest I’m not too sure. I’ve got a few programming and electronics projects in the pipeline that I’m hoping to get time to work on in the near future. Then there are my paddling escapades which at the moment centre around me trying to stay upright in a C1 slalom boat at HPP! And finally there might be some random musings about life, the universe and everything…

Expect things to change as I sort out a final theme and find my way around WordPress. Hopefully things will settle down quickly and this blog will develop into something that everyone can enjoy.